maandag 22 oktober 2012

Favourite youtuber of the month

I started following some 'beautygurus' on youtube about 6 months ago and I have really enjoyed watching some of them! It's a great way to find reviews on new products and it's also an easy way to keep up with the latest trends.

My personal favourite youtuber of this month is probably the most popular at the moment. Her name is Fleur or Fleurdeforce on youtube. She vlogs about beauty and fashion but she also has her own vlogchannel on which she vlogs about her life.

I think she's an amazing person and you should definitly check her out!
Her latest video is a video on hair and her personal haircare routine.

She is also a blogger :)

Do you follow any youtubers? Have you seen Fleur's channel and what do you think?

woensdag 17 oktober 2012

Fall Fashion and Personality tests.

First of all I wanted to show some of the new fashion items I bought lately. I have really enjoyed the trends that have been going on this year. I lovedd the bright colored skinny jeans in Summer and right now I love the oversized sweaters, the fall or autumn colors and the biker look which has been going on for quite a while now. Here are some pictures of items that I have bought recently.

I bought these red flats with a bow on the front. I think these are so cute ! And flats are always great for events because they look classy but they won't hurt your feet :)

Unfortunatly, I did not buy these jeans because I already bought way too much clothes this month haha! But I loooove it! I'm in love with this color lately :)

 This bag was a gift to me buy my dad's girlfriend. The brand is called ' Jane Fashion Milano'. I hadnt heard about it before but I love this bag! It's a great size! Not to big but big enough to fit everything in.

This is one of my new shirts which I bought at the G-star outlet in Amsterdam. It's a bit of a boyfriend fit because it's quite big but I really like that! And I like the color combination a lot! Also it matches my new bag hehe

This is a terrible picture but it's a suede-alike jeans from The Sting. It's a black skinny jeans and its sooooo sooooo soft I love it! Also it's really stretchy which makes it very comfortable to wear!

Also I wanted to talk about personality tests. They are actually a lot of fun to do! I'm currently going through the selection for becoming an air traffic controller and I will have to make one of these tests on friday so I started making some to see what they are like. It's really cool because I tried a test which consisted of 120 questions and just by filling in 120 questions my personality rolled out and it is actually very very close to what I am really like! So if you're going for a job interview, you should really check one out so it'll be easier to describe yourself! 

zaterdag 13 oktober 2012

Chanel Chance

FINALLY! I bought my favourite perfume again! I think everyone has one specific perfume which you've had since you were 13 years old and which you have always loved.. This is the one for me! I'm absolutely in love with this perfume and it reminds me of so many good memories! 

It comes in a really cute pink and gold box. The line has been extended with a couple of other Chance perfumes like eau fraiche and eau tendre but I have always liked the original one best. It's quite and investment since this bottle originally costs about 80 euros for 50 mL but I think it's totally worth it! 
The smell is very classic and well who doesn't love Chanel? ;)

woensdag 10 oktober 2012


Yesterday I bought my first Essie nail polish. It's the color 'don't sweater it' which is a limited edition colour from the fall collection. I was really excited to try it because I heard a lot of good things about Essie and I had been eyeing this color for a while now. 
I already loved it when I just started putting it on my nails because the formulation is really great! It's not too thick but also not thin which makes it very easy to apply and the brush is quite wide which is very handy! 

One coat was allready covering (amazing!) but I decided to put on 2 coats just so it would last a little longer. 
I'm excited to find out how long this nailpolish will last without chipping but so far, I like it a lot!
I will definitely be trying some more Essie colours!

Air traffic control YEAH!

Soooo I am currently going through the selections to become an air traffic controller! I'm applying at the LVNL which stands for air traffic control the Netherlands if you translate it. I'm suuuuuper excited because I have been wanting to become an airtraffic controller for the past 2 years now and I can't wait to find out whether I'm suitable for the job! So the selections are pretty damn tough. There's 5 different rounds and people fall off in each round. The first round is on the 19th of october which is friday next week and I am veeery excited! Tomorrow I will be visting the Schiphol tower for the first time and I can't wait to see what its like inside!

Well hello everyone!


Welcome to my blog! My name is Juliette and I will be blogging here about everything that I love! This will include make up, fashion, my favourite youtubers, my life, music, boardsports and more! Follow me if you have the same interests as I do because I always like meeting new people!

See ya!